Saturday, March 15, 2014



In class myself, and a partner were paired together to conduct an investigation on a stranger, someone whom we have never seen. We were just given their name, with some go to websites to name a few (, in order to find information on our stranger. I was amazed at the amount of information my partner and I were able to find. Their maiden name mother's name father's name husband, where she lives were she use to live, the amount of money she makes yearly, past jobs facebook account, twitter account you name it we found it. All of the information that was located was the basic information that is needed to ask security questions, when setting up any major account, such as bank, credit cards. This makes it easy to steal someone’s identity.  When I search my own name I couldn't find any personal information may it’s because I hardly never ever, put my digital tattoo out in cyberspace.  I really do think this should be discussed with children. Especially since they are always putting things on the web that ,can hurt them in a long run such as pictures (nude) and or bad activity. They are not aware. That these things do not go away, not even when they delete it, this was an eye opener for me as a parent and an educator will pass the importance of be careful while on the internet.

Just like a tattoo on your body it never go away!

video on digital tattoo fro youtube

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